There are four main criteria to consider when evaluating a drinking water filter:
1. Who is the system certified by? What is the system certified to remove?
NSF, Intl, is a 3rd party private lab using calibrated standards to evaluate systems and most reliable.
Tested to NSF standards means the system was tested and failed the NSF test and is not certified by NSF. A big difference!
2. What is the initial outlay for the system and what is the annual upkeep?
3. How long has the company been in business?
Frequently companies will change models and you will no longer be able to obtain
replacement filters. For example, Multipure has been in business 37 years and current filters still fit
37 year old systems! Diane is frequently called to see if she can replace filters for systems whose model numbers have changed.
4. Is the warranty being given away or offered? In other words, are you paying a premium for the warranty and does the company stand behind the system.