CLEAR JEL™ FREEZER JAM and other uses
Clear Jel is a specially processed starch and will swell
or thicken instantly without cooking, makes clearer sauces and
offers the advantages of: Clear Jel can be used inJelly, Jam,Preserve, Conserve, Marmalade and Fruit butter. Instead of using pectin use Clear Gel, it requires less and it sets faster and has a clearer consistency Use 1/3 cup + 2 tablespoons Clear Gel to 4 cups of fruit. You do not need to add as much sugar when using Clear Gel. Prepare as usual. Freezer Jam: heat your fruit to dissolve your sugar then add Clear Gel, let it set 5 minutes, then pour into your jars. Freeze. It is that easy!!!! General Directions: Conversion ratio: 1 tbsp. cornstarch=1 1/2 tbsp. Instant Clear Jel
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