Zojirushi Method - Program your Zo for thinner crusts

Program Your Zojirushi for thinner crusts:

Preheat - 0 minutes

Knead 1 - 12 minutes

Knead 2 - 0 minutes

Rise 1 - 15 minutes

Rise 2- 45 minutes

Rise 3 - 0 minutes

Bake - 45 minutes

Keep Warm - 60 minutes

If you use Marilyn's Famous Whole Wheat Bread Recipe (Zojirushi Method) you will get a 1 1/2 lb loaf of bread.

Two Stage Method:

I place the flour, vital gluten, and liquid called for in Marilyn's Famous Bread Recipe (Zo Method) PLUS 2 TB buttermilk, kefir, whey, lemon juice OR vinegar. I allow this mixture to mix for 1 minute or until the flour is moistened. Then I re-set my machine to "turn it off". I allow this mixture to sit from 8-12 hours and then I start up my machine on the Pre-programmed Homemade Cycle using the above settings. So far my bread has come out quite well!

In the winter time, I believe the preheat cycle will need to be used or a longer rising time. But I have perfected this method in the summer when my kitchen is warm with good results.

If you have other questions about using your Zojirushi Machine, please email me at marilyn@urbanhomemaker.com.
