Grande Cooking and Don't Panic Dinner's in the Freezer Bulk Cooking Ahead Phone Seminar with Lisa Taylor, Denice Gustafson and Monica Ferucci, Thursday,January 5, 2006. 4 Parts to this seminar: Introduction by Marilyn: We all want to serve good, healthy, tasty dinners to our families' consistently and save dinner. My friends Suzie Martinez, Vanda Howell, and Bonnie Garcia wrote a book called DON'T PANIC DINNER'S IN THE FREEZER filled with very tasty recipes perfect for cooking by yourself or with a group of friends. This book is available with free shipping through Sunday as long as you mention free shipping in the comments section of checkout or over the phone. My guests tonight Denice, Lisa, and Monica have all been doing cooking ahead alone or with friends for many years and are a wealth of information on how to get started and other tips. Introduction from our Guests: Denice, wanting to save money and have more time for homeschooling, decided to give bulk cooking a try. Though she has done the cooking with a friend, since she moved, she is now doing her bulk cooking by herself. Monica finds that bulk cooking brings peace of mind and good time management. Buying food in bulk enables her to buy good quality items and whole foods at a cheaper price. She organized and runs a Cooking Club at her church, which consists of 12 ladies that meet monthly for cooking time and fellowship while they work. For the Complete Downloadable Grande Cooking ebook with Recipes Click Here Basic Principles of Grande Cooking: 1. Bulk cooking's greatest benefit, besides saving you both time and money, is that it allows you to minister to others in need and be prepared for hospitality and meeting the needs of others at a moment's notice. Those we can minister include singles, elderly, the sick, those having family emergencies, as well as a systematic way to stock the church or community freezer. 2. Cook meals that your family will enjoy!!! For example, fresh potatoes frozen will turn black in the freezer. Instead of using fresh potatoes use either pre-packaged frozen potatoes or shred fresh potatoes and soak them in water with cream of tarter overnight, then freezing the potatoes the next day eliminates the browning problem. (About 5 pounds of potatoes to 1 teaspoon of cream of tarter.) 3. Plan a variety of meals. While dinners/main dishes are the main part of cooking ahead , our guests also enjoy freezing breakfast, lunch and desserts. A variety of main dishes includes a balance of chicken, beef, pasta, ethnic and meatless recipes. 4. Buy pricey items, especially meats, on SALE!!! 5. Planning recipes for cooking day the Grande Cooking Way. Each cooking club participant then decides how many of each recipe she will need for her family and emails it to the Shopping Coordinator. One to two ladies calculate the amount of ingredients needed and usually do the shopping. After all the meals are assembled on cooking day, the total dollars spent is divided by the number of meals prepared and everyone pays the shopping coordinator according to how many total meals they ordered. Usually Lisa orders more meals than others in her group. 6. Here is how Monica's Church Cooking Group organizes its' bulk cooking: For the Complete Downloadable Grande Cooking ebook with Recipes Click Here Monica's group calculates the costs based on the cost of each recipe prepared and then dividing that amount by the number of meals prepared. Each lady then pays for the total amount of meals they take home. Some take home 12 of an entree, some only take home 2. This is truly custom cooking! Monica has found that usually a core group of 3 decide the recipes and buy the groceries, and minister to the other ladies in their group by teaching them cooking methods, and healthier ingredients/methods. Click here for a free download of Monica's ebook FOOLPROOF (almost) FREEZER COOKING Tips on packaging your frozen meals: For layered meals, freeze in Gladware, reusable plastic pans that can go from the freezer to the microwave/oven to the dishwasher. These products are usually found with paper goods and other packaging supplies. Use a black Sharpie Pen to label all meals with name of recipe, date, and re-heating instructions. Lay baggies flat to freeze, layering either a paper towel or thin piece of cardboard between each baggie to stop them from sticking together when frozen. Once meals are frozen, they can then be stored standing up in a mil crate type box in the freezer like a filing system. File through frozen meals and decide what's for dinner. Other packaging tips: Audience Questions and Answers by email: How can I bulk cook with friends in small kitchen? Give each person a specific job to do, for example someone labels baggies, someone is dishwasher, and rotate. What items do I need to get started? Where can I find chicken broth without MSG? OR We began offering phone seminars in November 2004. Many listeners have requested transcripts for when they are unable to listen in. Here are transcripts of recent phone seminars. Link: |