Canning and Preserving


 Phone Seminar - JULY 12, 2007

With Lisa Vitello, publisher of New Harvest Homestead Newsletter and Marilyn Moll

Lisa is a great, mostly self-taught expert on all aspects of canning including pressure canning and water bath canning. She has been putting food up for her family of eight for over 20 years and keeps a huge garden that meets a substantial portion of her family's needs for fruits and vegetables.

We discussed canning without sugar, and salt and other common canning questions.

Lisa recommends the following Getting Started Items:

Stocking Up by Carol Hupping or the Ball Blue Book

Villa Ware Food Strainer or Equivalent for Tomato Sauce, Applesauce, Salsa, etc.

Water Bath Canner or Pressure Canner

Home Canning Kit

Pomonas Pectin

Ball or Kerr Jars and Lids (no substitutes!)

To listen to a compilation of Phone Seminars including a recording of Lisa Vitello and  Marilyn Moll talking about Canning, Click Here

