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Swiffer Products
Swiffer Toilet Wand - $9.99
Refills - 10 @4.99
Yearly Cost for 1 toilet cleaned once a week $39.93
After initial cost of wand $29.94 per year for refills
Swiffer 14.59
Wet Refills - 12 @4.69
Dry Refills - 16 @4.69
Yearly cost to clean once a week $56.80
After initial purchase of wand $37.52 per year for refills
Swiffer Wet Jet 19.99
Refills - 12 @5.99
Yearly Cost to mop once a week $49.94
After initial purchase of mop $29.95 per year for refills
Swiffer Duster 4.89
Refills - 6 @8.39
Yearly Cost to dust once a week $76.89
After initial purchase of duster $72.00 per year for refills
Consider: These products are disposable, causing millions
of pounds of plastics and refill products to be thrown in our
land fills.
Norwex Enviro Products
Sanira Toilet Brush 31.00 (Not at website yet, but can
be ordered)
Refill 9.99
Yearly cost to clean 1 toilet once a week 31.00
After initial purchase of brush $9.99 per year for refill
Mop 69.99 to 95.99
Depending on the type of dry mop preferred
Yearly cost 0 after the initial purchase of the mop
Mitt 11.99
Yearly cost 0 after the initial purchase of the mitt
Consider: No additional chemicals to buy to use the Norwex
products. And minimal disposable products with the toilet brush
refill solution.