The following information is excerpted from New Harvest Homestead Newsletter. Here is how Kerrie makes Hawaaiian Pork, Porcupine Meatballs and Beef Stew the fast and easy way:
Kerrie says: Here is how I do Hawaiian Pork: Put one large can pineapple juice and pork in the pressure cooker. I usually use the pork roasts that come in packages of three at Costco, and cut one up in chunks. You can also use country style pork ribs. Bring to pressure and cook for 20-25 minutes, or until tender. It will mostly depend on how big your pieces of meat are. Release pressure, discard juice and remove pork to a baking dish. Cover pork with a good barbeque sauce, like KC Masterpiece. Bake in a 350° oven for 5-10 minutes. Sometimes I like to broil it for a minute so the sauce gets thick and glaze-like. You can eat in chunks with rice or you can shred it and put on sandwich rolls.
Kerrie's Beef Stew
I cut stew meat into bite sized chunks and brown in oil in the pressure cooker. Add about 2 TBS. of flour, along with some salt and pepper and stir around. Add liquid to cover meat well. Bring to pressure and time for about 20 minutes (depending on the size of the chunks of meat). Instantly release pressure. Add cut up veggies like potatoes, carrots, celery, onion, mushroom, green beans and whatever else you like. Add any flavorings you like, such as garlic, red pepper flakes or sauces. Check to see if you need any more liquid – you don’t need to cover those veggies with liquid. Bring to pressure and cook another 8 minutes. Release pressure and its done. If there is too much liquid, you can thicken it with some flour or cornstarch, or just serve it with some good, crusty bread to soak it up.
Porcupine Meatballs
2 lbs. ground beef 1 cup uncooked rice 2 TBS. minced onion 2 tsp. salt ? tsp. pepper1 crushed garlic clove 1 jar spaghetti sauce
Combine everything but the sauce. Form into balls. Pour sauce into pressure cooker. Drop meatballs in cooker. Bring to pressure and cook for 7 minutes. Let cool a few minutes and then quick release under cold water.
I do my mashed potatoes in the pressure cooker. I just quarter the potatoes; add some water or broth and salt. I bring to pressure and cook for about 8 minutes. Then, I drain the liquid and add the butter, milk and use a potato masher. I also like to cook a whole chicken with herbs and veggies. Then, I have chicken for soup, casserole, chicken salad and I have broth to put in the freezer for later use.
Brandie Longoria's Pressure Cooker Rice
2 cups white rice (Basmati or Jasmine works well) 3-4 cups water (depending on how “wet” you like your rice)
Put rice in the pressure cooker with the water. If I’m feeling tricky, I’ll replace some or all of the water with chicken stock and add a little garlic or other favorite spices. Put the cooker on the stove and lock it shut. Cook it on the second or higher pressure for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and let the pressure come down naturally (about 10 minutes total). Option: Sometimes I use a wee bit of saffron in the rice when I can get a hold of it. I use chicken stock, a little garlic and leftover meat from previous dishes. Add some cut up vegetables and shrimp if you have it and, VOILA! – you have Paella, a traditional Hispanic dish. My husband is Hispanic and LOVES the stuff! Brandie Longoria, Marietta, GA Serves 6 with leftovers
Brandie's Pressure Cooker Chicken
This could not be any easier. Put a whole chicken fryer in a 5 qt. or larger pressure cooker. If you have fresh herbs, now is a great time to use them! I put a couple of fresh rosemary sprig, or sage leaves, and half of an onion in the cavity of the chicken. For a real one dish meal, cut up some carrots, and other veggies and add them around the chicken. Add ? cup water to the bottom. If your cooker comes with a steaming plate, use it to lift the chicken off of the bottom. If the chicken is fresh, pressure cook it on the second or higher pressure for about 20-25 minutes, then take it off of the heat and let is rest until the pressure comes down naturally. If it is frozen, it may take about 45 minutes of cooking, which means you need to watch the heat a little more often so that the pressure doesn’t get too high. This amount of time usually works well, but depending on your source of heat (electric, gas, etc.) the times may vary. Always go by what the manufacturer says. That is just what works well with mine in the altitude, etc.
When comparing pressure cooker keep the following Kuhn Rikon features and benefits in mind:
TheNew York Times called the Duromatic line of pressure cookers by Kuhn Rikon the Mercedes Benz of pressure cookers.
It is very accurate in determining when full pressure is reached because of the spring loaded valve.
Years ago, I was helping cook a banquet for 80 people. I cooked baby carrots in my pressure cooker for 4 minutes and they came out perfect. My friend cooked them in her pressure cooker, couldn't determine when the pressure was reached and ended up with all her carrots turning to mush.
The Duromatic has a much more precise way of determining when pressure is reached and then cooking time can begin from there. Marilyn Moll, The Urban Homemaker
Duromatic Cooking Advantages Tasty, Healthy, Fast Food Fast - Duromatics cook dinner in 1/3 of normal cooking time or less.
Safe - Duromatics are “second generation” pressure cookers with built-in fail-proof safety features that make it virtually impossible for failures to occur. These gleaming, high quality stainless steel pans with thick bottoms eliminate scorching. Six built-in safety mechanisms provide an unparalleled degree of safety.
Easy - The spring-loadedvalve ensures much greater accuracy in cooking time, guarantees superior cooking results, eliminates hiss and whistle of outdated pressure cookers. The design virtually eliminates clogging valves, and is much quieter than cooking with a out-dated weight valve system.
Healthy - Pressure cooking uses little water thereby retaining more of the vitamins, minerals, and natural taste of the food.
Reliable - Duromatics have a full 10 year warranty. (We’ve had ours for over 15 years!)
Economical - Save 70% of energy consumption.
Pressure Cookers
Why Use A Pressure Cooker? Forget all the dire warnings and concerns about pressure cookers that you remember from your mom or Aunt Lillian. Today’s pressure...
Every Day Pressure Cooking
The Homestead Kitchen:
The following article was originally published in The New Harvest Homestead Newsletter , Lisa Vitello is the...
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