Ed Note: Last week I asked readers what oil they used in their bread. Of the responses I received Coconut oil was the overwhelming consensus. Here are the comments:
In your newsletter you asked about coconut oil use in bread. I use a slight variation of the whole wheat bread recipe you have posted using the two-stage process. I use coconut oil for the oil. I melt it on the stove and measure it (1/4 cup for two loaves) after it is melted. Because coconut oil has natural anti-fungal properties, I think it helps my bread products to last a little longer.
I have also successfully made the recipe without any oil if I plan to use the bread product immediately, such as in cinnamon rolls or pizza dough that will be consumed without leftovers, which happens more and more often with two growing boys!
Blessings to you and your family, Kassy
Dear Marilyn,
I couldn't find the question on your blog about what kind of oil to use in bread baking. I bake with spelt, and have had great success w/ coconut oil (expeller pressed- not extra virgin which would make the oil taste like coconuts). I just warm it a little on the stove to bring it into liquid form.
-Aimee B.
Dear Marilyn, I use coconut oil in my bread baking. If you use non=hydrogenated coconut oil, it is very good for your health. I purchase it from an organic farm back east in 5 pound buckets. It has the slight whif of coconut still in it. We also use it in cooking and on popcorn! It's delicious! Jill S.
Dear Marilyn,
I have been using melted butter for the "oil" in your bread recipe and it works great! Nancy B
Dear Marilyn,
About the oil in bread. I have used all coconut oil, but it makes the bread heavy. Using half coconut oil and half olive oil works better.......or 3/4 cup of coconut oil to every cup of olive oil. Thank you. Jane F
Hi Marilyn,
I just read your newsletter and have a couple of comments/possible answers for you. Regarding the questions .... After learning about how wonderful coconut oil is, and also how wonderful butter is (from pastured cows), I quit using olive oil completely in my bread and now use a combination of half coconut oil and half butter. My family couldn't tell a difference but I can tell that the bread is softer and just a bit "richer." From experience I have learned that you can also use all coconut oil or all butter also. For weight loss, I highly recommend Sally Fallon's book Eat Fat, Lose Fat and also recommend The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott. While whole grain, fresh homemade bread is absolutely wonderful, we cannot eat it all day long, every day. We've got to mix in a large amount of vegetables, and also healthy animal foods. We *really* have to limit fruits and fruit juices, and eliminate white sugar. And we need to get moving. Just my two cents. Wish I could add more, but I hope this was helpful. I'm sure you'll get lots and lots of responses! Many Blessings, Amy Knowles
Hi Marilyn,
About the coconut oil, I use it all the time to cook my bread in the Zo. ( I also use it in about everything I can.) It is sooo good for you--anti viral and other various properties. Coconut oil does not change into the unhealthy fats when it is heated like many other oils do. Although it can be expensive, I think the health benefits out weight the cost. I hope this helps, Angela Workman
Dear Marilyn,
Next to the question on oil. I really love coconut oil for baking, because it won't turn into trans fats on reasonable heat. (I don't think it would deep fry) And butter. Melted butter is really good and I think it must be comparatively healthy because it is more natural. Just my observances. Name Withheld
Dear Marilyn, Coconut oil is antibacterial? That's great! I had a few slices of a pumpkin-cranberry quick bread left in the fridge from about a MONTH ago (oops), made w/ fresh-ground spelt and virgin coconut oil. Near as I could tell, it never grew a speck of mold. Maybe the coconut oil (combined w/ the acidity of cranberries?) had something to do with that. :-)Aimee Baxter
So Bread Bakers and Aspiring Bakers, try using Coconut Oil in baking! I will try it very soon. Marilyn Moll, Editor, The Urban Homemaker
Vegetable Salads
CORN “CONFETTI” SALAD This corn salad is very colorful and uses canned, frozen, or leftover corn-on-the-cob. Use whatever veggies you have, don't worry if...
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